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Sunday, August 23, 2015

8th - Chapter 1:Intro to Physical Science

8th Grade Science –Beginning of the year
Welcome Back!!
We are starting off the year with Chapter 1: Introduction to Physical Science. Eight grade begins with a quick review of science process skills--observing, inferring, classifying, and predicting. We also take time to revisit each step of The Scientific Process of Inquiry.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Physical Science
Section One - What is Physical Science?
Throughout section one students will review the process skills that scientists use to learn about the natural world. Students will complete a number of labs to aide in reinforcing and practicing these skills. Students will also learn about what physical science involves including Chemistry and Physics.
Observation is our first skill, students will taste a variety of liquids in different sections of their tongue to locate various taste receptors. Students will also locate the blind spots in their eyes and the range of their blind spots.
Classifying is the next process skill. Students will classify a set of 6 shapes into 8 different systems to help them understand the importance of agreeing on one way to organize or classify anything from animals to a junk drawer.
Inferring, students will observe 6 different photographs and create observations and inferences to explain what has been observed in the picture. Students will also complete the lab "It's in the Liquid" to practice making observations and inferences. Students will experiment with two different mystery liquids, and attempt to infer what is occurring when the liquids are mixed.
Hypothesizing, students will create two different hypotheses for what will happen to the temperature of two different chemicals when they are mixed with either water or vinegar. Students will then test their hypotheses and create graphs to help support their conclusions.
Predicting, students will complete the lab "Paper or Plastic Predictions". Students will try to predict what type of material would be the best to wrap up an oily BLT sandwich to prevent a mess if stuck in there pocket. Students will experiment with a variety of paper and plastic materials to find out which one will hold more oil before soaking through.

Section Two - Scientific Inquiry
During section two students will learn about the roles of laws and theories in science. Students will also review The Scientific Method, or the way scientists investigate the natural world. To help students review scientific inquiry or the scientific method students will complete "The Splatter Lab". This lab investigates if you will create more splatter sitting or standing while pouring Kool-Aid. Students will collect data from five different drop heights to help them determine their conclusion. Students will also complete the lab "Swing Time", this lab will test if the swing of a pendulum will take longer if the mass is increased. Students will gather data and create a graph to test their hypothesis.

Section 4 - What is Technology?
This section focuses on how society and technology affect and rely on each other in our day to day lives. Eighth grade students will also learn the steps of the technology design process as well as what is involved in each step of the process.