Welcome to St. Paul's Middle School Science

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

6th Week 2 April 1st - April 7th

Hello 6th Graders!!,
This week we will review and wrap up Investigation 1 - What is Life?

Day One -

Page 2 L.O.L. - How do you know if something if living?

It holds the 8 Characteristics of Life:
Needs Water
Needs Energy
Exchanges Gases
Eliminates Waste
Needs a Suitable Envirnment
Grows/Develops Over Time
Responds to Environment
(We will explore a 9th characteristic in Investigation 2)

Correct vocabulary from Page 3 using the Quizlet link below.

Invest. 1 Quizlet Link-

Petri Dish Observation - Revealed...
So what was the mystery object I placed in the petri dish with water last week....????  Was it living??

Day 2 -
Pages 6, 7, 8 Five Material Observations

Third Column = Changes After 24 Hours

Last Column Observations = Changes Observed after 100 Hours

Day Three - 
Correct Page 14 - Characteristics of Life Article Reflection ANSWERS!

Correct Page 16 - Life Processes ANSWERS!!

Day Four - 
Page 15 - Life In Different Environments -
Record any evidence of life you observed in each of the three liquids... grew / changed size / swimming / sprouted.....

Liquid One

Liquid 2

Liquid 3

Day 5 - 
Complete the investigation one study guide, review material. Use the quizlet under day one to help you out!!

Take the Invest. 1 Quiz using the Google Forms Link.