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Saturday, November 19, 2016

7th - Important Science Fair Information

Several years ago the requirement for participation in the SPS Science Fair changed from participating once in either 6th, 7th, or 8th grade to..... ALL 7th grade students individually participating in the SPS Science Fair. The topic can be from any field of science as long as they are testing something and not preforming a demonstration. By changing the requirement I can help students walk through the steps of their project and guide them in their preparation. This will include some in-class time to complete as well as time outside of the classroom.

I have underlined important steps throughout the following explanation:

Students will be given a step by step Science Fair Packet that will include a timeline with a number of turn in dates to help them stay on track for completion. We will start this process Monday November 21st, and it will continue until the SPS Science Fair on Monday February 6th.

The first step will be to choose the top 10 projects they would like to complete. I will conference with each student and narrow the list down to three, of those three the students will choose the one they plan to complete.

I have included some websites to check out if they are having trouble coming up with an idea. I suggest starting with site #1, students start by taking a survey that helps to narrow down what area of science they are most interested in. Students will have some in-class time to complete this step.





 Once the student has chosen their topic they will need to decide what they plan to investigate and identify their variables.

 Next comes the research portion of the scientific method. Students will need to research important facts about their independent and dependent variables, and how the variables are related. Once students have completed their research they can write their hypothesis. I will have the students turn in a rough draft of their paper and make corrections, once I have handed it back they will begin writing their procedure.

Their procedure is the recipe for how they will complete their experiment. After they have written out their plan they will have from early December until Tuesday January 17th to complete their experiment at home.

On Tuesday the 17th I will use class time to show them how to organize their data on the computer as well as how to prepare their graphs online. Students will then draw their conclusions and begin typing the final draft of their Scientific Method Report.

One of the final steps will be for students to prepare their exhibit board to present their project to the class on Monday January 30th. The SPS Science Fair will take place in Denning Hall on Monday February 6th from 8:30-10:30. Students will be judged by two adults on a number of criteria (see judges sheet in packet).

Six of the top projects will be chosen by the judges to move on to the Assumption Regional Science Fair where students will compete against the other area Catholic schools in their grade level.

Students are allowed to participate in Science Fair during their 8th grade year with or without a partner if they choose, but are not required.