Chapter 14 - Bones, Muscle, and Skin
Students will begin learning about the human skeleton by trying to count how many bones make up their body using a partner. Students will learn there are 206 different bones that make up a human.
Color and Cut Skeleton –
To help students learn to identify and spell the bones of the body they will complete a front and back view skeleton color coding and labeling each bone.
Bone Identification/Spelling Test –
Students will be tested on identifying major bones of the body as well as spelling the scientific bone name correctly.
Section 1 – Body Organization and Homeostasis
Students will learn that the body is organized into a pyramid scheme or levels beginning with cells that create tissues, tissues create organs, and organs create organ systems. This section will also cover the different ways the body maintains homeostasis.
Section 2 – The Skeletal System
Students will identify the six functions of the skeleton. Learn about the different joints and the role they play in the body. Students will also learn about the structure of bones and to take care of their sketeltal system.
Section 3 – The Muscular System
Students will identify three different types of muscles found in the body. They will also learn and be able to explain that muscles work in pairs and always pull, never push.
Muscle Identification Test –
Students will be test on their ability to identify 20 major muscle groups of the human body.
Section 4 – The Skin
Students will learn about the five functions of the skin for the human body. Students will also learn about the two major layers of skin: the epidermis and dermis.
Body Systems Group Project –
In groups of four to five students will research one of the following Human Body Systems: Digestive, Circulatory, Nervous, Endocrine, Excretory, Respiratory or Immune. Students will be allowed to present projects as an iMovie, PowerPoint, poster, Prezi etc. They will also come up with an activity or demonstration to involve the class in teaching about their system.
Human Body Development Baby Book –
Students will research the human life cycle and create a baby book of the stages of development starting from conception to the end of life.
Dill Pickle Autopsy –
Students will learn about the steps and process a medical examiner would complete to perform an autopsy. Students will then become the doctor and preform their own autopsy an their patient…. A dill pickle to find the cause of death.
Fetal Pig Dissection –
To wrap all the body systems together students will dissect a fetal pig to study the anatomy and how everything in the body connects together.