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Sunday, November 8, 2015

8th Investigation 4 - Representing Motion

8th Grade Investigation 4 - Representing Motion

Goal: Students will learn to represent motion events as graphs.

Show Time-
To begin investigation 4, students are introduced to different ways in which to graph motion. Students will also learn and use the term "displacement". They will then analyze complex motion into legs and learn the difference between position and distance graphs. Students will be able to extract data from word problems, create data tables, and construct motion graphs.

Leisurely Walks-
Students collect data from their own motion events- leisurely walks- using meter tape and stopwatches. They will organize the data into tables and make position and distance graphs for three motion events. They will then tackle a different, more complex motion event, The Road Trip, by extracting data from a word problem, and creating a table and two graphs of the event.

Motion Stories-
Students will analyze three position graphs and create reasonable stories to describe the motion in the graphs. They will also make a motion story for another student to graph and discuss the analysis. They will also use a computer program - Motion Stories - to create and analyze motion graphs with a partner.