Welcome to St. Paul's Middle School Science

Check this blog for weekly updates, homework assignments, and chapter/section break downs and explainations.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

7th Week 6 April 29th - May 1st

Hello 7th Graders!!,

We have a short academic week.... Teachers will be learning how to use Google Classroom Thursday, stay tuned for more instructions to come....

Day 1-Wednesday April 29th:
1. Watch Bill Nye Seasons to review Investigation 3, and the terms and big ideas we have been studying up to this point! (Scroll between ** to highlight link, the color does not show up!)

Day 2-Thursday April 30th:
1. Review Investigation 3 using my Quizlet link below:

Day 3-Friday May 1st:
1. Complete the Investigation 3-Seasons "check-in".

**These directions may change after teacher training Thursday the 30th.... please check back Monday the 4th....**
Day 4-Monday May 4th:
Accept Mrs. Nydle's invite to her 7th Science Google Classroom, explore classwork and complete any missing assignments.

Day 5-Tuesday May 5th:
We will begin Invest. 4 - The Moon.... See Google Classroom....